Ose Bastian , from Bredstedt (Schleswig-Hostein)
Country : USA, Missouri, 3 months (2022)
"Through the different host families, you got to know many facets of the country. Every single person was very friendly to me and tried to convey their way of life to me. What I liked best was a very spontaneous camping trip and looking for cows with them Quad on a farm. I am very happy that I was able to travel the USA as an IFYE"
Daniela Siehl , from Immenstedt (Schleswig-Holstein)
Country : USA, Kansas and Nebraska, 6 months (2019)
"During the 6 months in Kansas and Nebraska, I had seven incredibly great host families with whom I immediately felt at home. I was particularly fascinated by how different each region and family was. I can absolutely recommend the IFYE program and I hope so IFYE 2020 was an incredibly wonderful time."
Jan Bley , from Crawinkel (Thuringia)
Country : USA, Montana, 3 months (2018)
"During the 3 months in Montana, I was able to gain many new experiences and meet fascinating people. The natural spectacles between the Rocky Mountains and the prairie made a lasting impression on me."
Friederike Gerken , from Braunschweig (Nieders.)
Country : USA, Colorado, 3 months (2018)
"During my three-month IFYE exchange, I saw the diverse and beautiful regions of Colorado. I will always remember the country and the warm host families."
Friederike Herbers , from Ahaus (Northern Westphalia)
Country : South Korea (2018)
"For me, the cultural differences, such as the food, the language, the living/sleeping, were particularly interesting. I was welcomed as a member of the family. This gave me the opportunity to experience the country through the eyes of a local and not as a tourist."
Klara Pfitzmaier , from Birkweiler (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Country : Estonia, 5 weeks (2018)
"My time in Estonia was very exciting and interesting. I learned that it is sometimes easier to get involved in situations and have great experiences without prejudice."
Irene Behl , from Dettenschwang (Bavaria)
Country : Finland, Southern Finland + Lapland, 3 months (2018)
"I discovered sauna bathing and love the Finns' closeness to nature. Socializing in a different way - as an IFYE in Finland, I not only made Finnish friends, but also found friends from Mexico and Spain.
Hanne Stegen , from Soderstorf (Lower Saxony)
Country : Norway, 2.5 months (2022)
"In the summer of 2022 I spent a very nice time as an IFYE in Norway. I stayed with nice host families and was at the national 4H camp, where I met many Norwegian 4H members. I found it particularly nice that I saw a lot of new things and could try it out"
Helena Oing , from Gronau-Epe (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Country : USA, Illinois, 3 months (2019)
"During my time as an IFYE, I gained great experiences with three very different host families. I was able to talk to my host parents about many exciting topics and, in addition to the language, I also learned a lot for myself personally. I had a lot of fun and a great time!"
Lisa Sawade , from Metzingen (Baden-Wü.)
Country: USA, Nebraska, 3 months (2018)
"The best thing about the IFYE program is the change between different families and therefore between different regions of the state. This gives you many different impressions of the country, culture and life. I had three great families with whom I got along really well and in whose companies I was involved. I was able to learn a lot and see a lot. It was a great time!"
Lisa Schmid , from Döbbelin (Saxony-Anhalt)
Country: USA, South Daktoa + Minnesota, 3 months (2018)
"During my time as an IFYE in the USA, I was able to gain a lot of experience, make new friends and get to know agriculture in another country. It was a great time that I will always remember. I can only recommend the IFYE program! "
Lisa Rothberg , from Böelschuby (Schleswig-H.)
Country : Norway, 2.5 months (2018)
"The experiences I had in Norway were very enriching. I met many great people and experienced unforgettable things. The landscape was breathtaking and life there was very special."
Sabrina Mau , from Jestetten (Baden-Württemberg)
Country: South Korea, 6 weeks (2018)
"I can absolutely recommend the IFYE program because it gave me the unique opportunity to get to know South Korea up close with host families. It was particularly interesting for me as a budding nutritionist to get to know Korean cuisine."
Paula Steilen , from Schwanewede (Lower Saxony)
Country: Finland, 3 months (2018)
"I thought it was particularly great that I was able to get to know so many people. Because my host families lived far away from each other, I saw a lot of Finland and tried out a lot of things. The nature in Finland is incredibly beautiful and the people are very friendly. They Time was something very special for me."