IFYE stands for International Farm Youth Exchange , which means international rural youth exchange . The IFYE program is a multicultural exchange program of the 4-H clubs of other countries (comparable to the German Landjugend) and the Verein Deutscher IFYE's e.V..

Germany has been a partner in the program since 1952. All participants in the program are called "IFYE's", as a universal description!

During the exchange, young adults spend up to 3 months in different countries around the world. The aim of the IFYE program is to promote international understanding and to give young people the opportunity to

  • to get to know a different way of life,
  • to become better informed about worldly affairs,
  • to get to know yourself and your own environment better,
  • to find out about other youth organizations,
  • and improve their language and communication skills.

Are you...

...open to new?

...curious and flexible?

... between 19 and 27 years old?

Do you have...

...knowledge of English?

...interested in other cultures?

....Interested in living in rural areas?

Answered mostly "YES"?

Then you could become an IFYE.